Quentin ROUYER
New Cathode Materials for Na-Ion Batteries
PhD ongoing since October 2023
Supervised with L. CROGUENNEC (ICMCB Bordeaux) and D. CARLIER (ICMCB Bordeaux)
Supported by the PEPR Batteries, Project HIPOHYBAT
Low temperature Synthesis of Sulfur-containing Solid Electrolytes for Na Batteries
PhD ongoing since October 2023
Supervised with P. GIBOY (LRCS)
Supported by Région Hauts de France and UPJV Amiens
Modeling of Na+ Ion Transport in NASICON Solid Electrolytes
PhD ongoing since October 2022
Supervised with C. FRAYRET (LRCS) and D. CARLIER (ICMCB Bordeaux)
Supported by UPJV Amiens and the Marie Curie DESTINY PhD Cofund Project
Sreelakshmi ANIL KUMAR
Operando / In Situ Diffraction -X-rays or neutrons) in Solid State Batteries
PhD ongoing since October 2022
Supervised with J. N. CHOTARD (LRCS), E. SUARD (ILL) and L. CROGUENNEC (ICMCB Bordeaux)
Supported by ILL Grenoble and the Marie Curie DESTINY PhD Cofund Project
High Power NEgative Electrodes for Na6Ion Batteries
PhD ongoing since October 2022
Supervised with J. N. CHOTARD (LRCS) and P. E. CABELGUEN (UMICORE)
Supported by UMICORE and the Marie Curie DESTINY PhD Cofund Project
Phase Stability of Oxysulfide Solid Electrolytes
PhD ongoing since December 2021 -
Supervised with S. ISLAM (Oxford) and B. MORGAN (Bath)
Supported by Univ. Bath and the Marie Curie DESTINY PhD Cofund Project
Exploration and crystal Chemistry of Sustainable Cathode Materials for Na-Ion Batteries
PhD ongoing since December 2021
Supervised with L. CROGUENNEC (ICMCB Bordeaux) J. OLCHOWKA and L. SIMONIN (CEA Grenoble)
Supported by the CEA and the DESTINY Marie Curie PhD Cofund Project
Duy Linh PHAM
Exploration and crystal chermistry of sustainable inorganic ion conductors for solid state batteries
PhD ongoing since October 2021
Supervised with J.N. CHOTARD (LRCS Amiens) and M.D. BRAIDA (SOLVAY)
Supported by SOLVAY and the DESTINY Marie Curie PhD Cofund Project
Phase stability and crystal chemistry of LMNO high voltage spinels
PhD ongoing since September 2021
Supervised with L. CROGUENNEC (ICMCB Bordeaux), E. SUARD (ILL ) and P. E. CABELGUEN (UMICORE)
Supported by the UMICORE, ILL and the INNOVAXN Marie Curie PhD Cofund Project
23) Dhanush SHANBAGH (Indian)
Crystal chemistry of Argyrodite-type ionic conductors
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended on February 13h, 2024
Supervised with V. VIALLET (LRCS Amiens) and J. AUVERGNIOT (UMICORE)
Supported by UMICORE
22) Eunike MAHAYONI (Indonesian)
Synthesis, transport properties and solid state batteries using NASICON-type solid electrolytes
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended on December 4th, 2023
Supervised with V. SEZNEC (LRCS), J.N. CHOTARD (LRCS) & P. CANEPA (NUS SIngapore)
Supported by ANR International in collaboration with NUS Singapore
Researcher (Post-Doc) in SOLEIL Synchrotron (France)
21) Briséïs MERCADIER (French)
Synthesis and characterization of Sn-based electrolytes for F-ion batteries
PhD Thesis, Sorbonne Université, Paris, defended on October 17th, 2023
In collaboration with D. DAMBOURNET, B. MORGAN, M. DUTTINE
Supported by the French RS2E Network
Researcher / Project Leader at ECHION (UK)
20) Sunkyu PARK (Korean)
New positive electrodes of NASICON structure for Na-ion Batteries
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended on July 12th, 2022
In collaboration with J.N. CHOTARD, D. CARLIER, L. CROGUENNEC
Supported by TIAMAT (CIFRE Contract)
Researcher / Project Leader at SAMSUNG (Korea)
19) Cédric BARCHA (French)
Stability of anode/ electrolyte interfaces in All-Solid-State-Lithium-Batteries
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended on December 17th, 2021
In Collaboration with R. DEDRYVERE and L. MADEC (Pau), N. DELPUECH (RENAULT), V. SEZNEC (Amiens), C. LETHIEN (Lille) and many colleagues. Supported by a CIFRE ANRT funding
Researcher in HydroQuebec, CANADA
18) Theodosios FAMPRIKIS (Greec)
Studies on inorganic solid electrolytes for batteries: focus on Na3PS4
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended November 10th, 2020
In Collaboration with S. ISLAM (Bath), P. CANEPA (Singapore), J.N. CHOTARD (Amiens), J. DAWSON (Bath) and many colleagues. Supported by ALISTORE-ERI
Researcher in University of Oxford (UK)
17) Ulas KUDU (Turkish)
Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Transport Properties of Ionic Conductors within the Li2S - P2S5 Binary System
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended on May 29th 2020
In Collaboration with B. FLEUTOT (UPJV), Elodie SALAGER (CEMHTI Orléans), Theodosios FAMPRIKIS (UPJV) and SOLVAY (CIFRE Contract)
Research Engineer at SOLVAY, FRANCE
16) Long N'GUYEN (Vietnamese)
Crystal Chemistry of Polyanionic Vanadium Fluorinated Oxy-phosphates: From Atomic Local Structure to Electrochemical Performance in Na-ion Batteries
PhD Thesis, Université de Bordeaux, FRANCE, defended on Dec. 12th, 2019
In collaboration with Dr. Laurence CROGUENNEC and Pr. Dany CARLIER (ICMCB Bordeaux), Dr. François FAUTH (ALBA Synchrotron), Dr. Antonella IADECOLA (SOLEIL Synchrotron)
Post-Doc at University of San Diego, USA (Group of Shirley MENG)
CNRS Chargé de Recherche in ICG Montpellier from Sept. 2023
15) Edouard BOIVIN (French)
Investigation of tavorite- and triplite-based positive electrodes for Li batteries
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended Nov. 24th 2017
In collaboration with Dr. Laurence CROGUENNEC (ICMCB Bordeaux) and Dr. J.N. CHOTARD (UPJV)
Funded by French RS2E and Coonseil Regional de Picardie.
Post-Doc at University of Oxford, UK (Group of P. BRUCE) and then in UCCS Lille (Group of O. MENTRE)
Now Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) in Université du Mans, France
14) Yue DENG (Chinese)
Solid Electrolytes for All Solid State Batteries: a combined modelling and experimental study
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended Nov. 18th 2016 -
Funded by ALISTORE ERI, in collaboration with Prof. Saïful ISLAM, Bath, UK and Dr. J. N. CHOTARD (UPJV)
Battery Research Engineer at BASF, Shanghaï, CHINA
13) Fabien LALERE (French)
All Solid State Batteries at high voltage and high temperature
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended Nov. 9th 2015
In collaboration with Dr. V. SEZNEC (UPJV)
Funded by Ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur, FRANCE
Post-Doc at Univ. Waterloo, CANADA (Group of L. NAZAR)
12) Mattéo BIANCHINI (Italian)
Development of In Situ diffraction techniques on battery materials
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE, defended, Oct. 23rd, 2015
Funded by ILL Grenoble, in collaboration with Dr. Laurence CROGUENNEC (ICMCB Bordeaux) and Dr. E. SUARD (ILL)
Post-Doc at UC Berkeley, USA (Group of G. CEDER) and KIT Labs (Group of J. JANEK)
Now Full Professor at University of Bayreuth, GERMANY
11) Robin AMISSE (French)
Highly defective LixMyPO4 positive electrodes
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, FRANCE and Univ. Ljubljana, SLOVENIA, Nov. 2014
In Collaboraton with Dr R. DOMINKO (NIC Ljubljana)
Permanent position as Research Engineer at SOLVAY, Paris
10) TAO Liang (Chinese)
Borates et Borophosphates d’éléments de transitions : synthèse et propriétés électrochimiques
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, defended, Nov. 2013
In collabortion and funded by UMICORE
Permanent position as Project Manager, BMW, Munich, GERMANY
9) ATEBA MBA Jean-Marcel (Camerounese)
Cristallochimie et propriétés électrochimiques de fluorophosphates de lithium et d’éléments de transition
PhD Thesis, Université de Bordeaux 1, Oct. 2013
Pos-Doc, KIT, GERMANY & Post-Doc at NIC Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
8) SIRISOPANAPORN Chutchamon (Thaï)
Crystal Chemistry of Li2MSiO4 (M = Fe, Mn) transition metal silicates and electrochemical properties vs. lithium
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens and Ljubljana (Slovenia), Oct. 2011
Now Research Engineer, UMICORE, BELGIUM
7) HAMELET Stéphane (French)
Synthèses et caractérisations de phosphates Lix(M,M’)yPO4 (avec M/M’ = Fe/Mn) pour accumulateurs à ions lithium
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, Nov. 2010
6) QUOIRIN Gérard (French)
Synthèse basse température et études spectroscopiques de phosphates et silicates d’éléments de transition
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, Oct. 2007
5) DELACOURT Charles (French)
Synthèse basse température de phosphates de fer et de manganèse : considérations thermodynamiques et études électrochimiques
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, Oct. 2005
CNRS Chargé de Recherche, LRCS, Amiens, FRANCE
4) REALE Priscilla (Italian)
Phosphates de fer hydratés : préparation et propriétés électrochimiques
PhD Thesis, Universiy La Sapienza, Rome, Jan. 2004
Scientist, ENEA, ITALY
3) PATOUX Sébastien (French)
Propriétés structurales et électrochimiques de phosphates d’éléments de transition
PhD Thesis, UPJV Amiens, Oct. 2003
Scientist and head of Division, LITEN, CEA-Grenoble, FRANCE
2) WURM Calin (Romanian)
Nouvelles voies de préparation de phosphates d'éléments de transition pour accumulateurs au lithium
PhD Thesis, Univ. Paris XI Orsay, June 2002
Research Scientist, BOSCH, Germany and now Research Manager at ACC
1) ROUSSE Gwenaelle (French)
Etudes structurales et physicochimiques de spinelles Li1+xMn2-xO4 pour accumulateurs au lithium
PhD Thesis, Univ. Paris XI Orsay, Sept. 2000
Full Professor, Collège de France & UPMC, Paris, FRANCE
November 29th, 2024 : Giving an invited talk at the ESRF Battery HUB Meeting, in Grenoble, France, Spain, on the use of Synchrotron X-Ray diffraction for studying advanced Polyanionic Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries.....
November 18-20, 2024 : Giving an invited talk for the SIGNATURE International Conference in POSTECH University, Pohang, KOREA. great atmosphere, highly focused people there !!
October 23rd, 2024 : Paper of Sunkyu PARK published in Nature Materials on new NaxV2(PO4)3 cathode materials. Great collaboration with ICMCB Bordeaux, ALBA Barcelona, NUS Singapore and TIAMAT.
September 25th, 2024 : 1st paper of Ilia TERTOV published in Journal of Power Sources, on LNMO cathode materials. Great collaboration with ILL Grenoble, ICMCB Bordeaux and UMICORE.
September 11th, 2024 : Giving an invited talk at the IBA Meeting in Halifax, Canada, on LFP cathodes.....
September 14th, 2024 : Giving an invited talk at the ALBA User Meeting in Oviedo, Spain, on the use of Synchrotron X-Ray diffraction for studying advanced Polyanionic Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries.....
July 29th, 2024 : Paper accepted in Chem. Mater. on BaSnF4 as a fluoride ion conductor, with Briseis MERCADIER as first author.
July 3-5, 2024 : The 20-years Anniversary of the MESC+ ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course gathers >180 people in Amiens. Great Celebaration with bright ALumnis from all over the world.
June 24-25, 2024 : Attending the IWLNM International Conference in the beautiful city of Peruggia, ITALY
June 17-20, 2024 : Attending the great IMLB Meeting in stunning Hong Kong.
June 4-6, 2024 : The ALISTORE ERI European Research Network celebtrates its 20th Anniversary in Chalmers University, Sweden.
May 28, 2024 : Attending the GDR Workshop on Chalcogenides, in Rennes, FRANCE. Gave a talk on Argyrodite Solid Electrolytes
April 22-25, 2024 : Attending the MRS Spring, located downtown Seattle, USA, kind of a weard place.......
February 13, 2024: Dhanush SHANBHAG is now a Doctor of Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, FRANCE, after his superb work on Argyrodite-type ionic conductors for All Solid State Batteries. Very fruitful collaboration with V. VIALLET from LRCS Amiens and UMICORE, Belgium. Four Patents are filled.
January 16, 2024: Yearly Review Meeting in Paris of the "PEPR Batteries" project, a 50 MEuros French initiative on disruptive Battery Technologies and Chemistries, coordinated by CNRS (Patrice SIMON & Mathieu MORCRETTE) and CEA (Hélène BURLET).
December 14 & 15, 2023: The traditional "Journées Scientifiques" of the LRCS, with 47 talks given by PhD candidates and Post-Docs. Lots of exciting science + a superb and friendly lunch with local dishes from 22 nationalities !!!!
December 6 & 7, 2023: 37th Bi-Annual Meeting of the ALISTORE European Network. Superb organization by Sergio BRUTTI and his team in Universita Roma La Sapienza.
December 4, 2023: Eunike MAHAYONI is now a Doctor of Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, FRANCE, after her superb work on NZSP Nasicons solid electrolytes, in the frame of the Na-Master ANR Project. Fruitful collaboration with P. CANEPA and S. ADAMS from NUS Singapore, O. GUILLON and Q. MA from Jülich, V. SEZNEC and J.N. CHOTARD from LRCS Amiens.
November 1, 2023: Gave a talk at the 14th ABAA Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM. On NASICON Cathodes for Na-Ion Batteries. Solid Electrolytes. Big Crowd. Superb organisation by Khalil AMINE and his team
October 18, 2023: Paper on ZrO2-free NASICON solid electrolytes, published in J. Mater. Chem. A. with Eunike MAHAYONI as second author. Collaborative work with P. CANEPA and his team from NUS SIngapore.
October 17, 2023: Briseis MERCADIER is now a Doctor of Sorbonne Université, after her superb work on BaSnF4-type solid electrolytes. Collaboration with D. DAMBOURNET from PHENIX Lab. in Paris, B. MORGAN from Univ. of Bath in UK, ICMCB Bordeaux.
October 16, 2023: Paper on BaSnF4 lone pair published in JACS with Briseis MERCADIER as first author!!
October 12, 2023: Online Talk at the Solid State Chemistry Division of the Société Chimique de France.
October 5-6, 2023: attending the RS2E bi-annual Meeting in University of Caen @CRISMAT Laboratory.
May 17, 2023: Kick Off of the LIMASSE Project on Solid State Batteries, a "target" action of the PEPR on Batteries.
May 10, 2023: Paper on Na3V2(PO4)2(F,O)3 with Chloé PABLOS as first author, accepted in Chem. Mater.
March 21, 2023: Attending the RS2E bi-annual Meeting in Bordeaux, @ICMCB Institute.
March 21, 2023: Paper on the sodium-rich NASICON cathode Na4MnV(PO4)3, by the great Sunkyu PARK, accepted for publication in Chem. Mater.,
March 15-17 2023: Selection of Class#19 of MESC+ Master Course, in WUT
Warsaw, among
> 400 applicants
March 6-9 2023: Gave a talk at the IBA Conference in Austin, USA, on Argyrodite Solid Electrolytes. Superb organisation by Manthiram and his team.
January 11-13, 2023: Kickoff Meeting for Cohort#2 of DESTINY Marie Curie PhD program. In beautiful Bohinj, SLOVENIA.
October 13, 2022: Attending the RS2E bi-annual Meeting in Montpellier @ICG Institute
October 5, 2022: Gave a talk at IBA Conference in Slovenia on Na3PS4 Solid Electrolyte
September 26, 2022: Gave a talk at Na-Ion Symposium in Berlin, on NASICON electrodes
September 19, 2022 : Giving a talk on NASICON electrodes at the E-MRS Meeting in Warsaw
July 12 2022 : Sunkyu PARK is now a "Docteur de l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne", Amiens, FRANCE. For his great work on NASICON electrodes for Na Batteries, funded by TIAMAT and ANRT, in strong collaboration with ICMCB Bordeaux and NUS Singapore. Thank you SUNKYU !!
December 29, 2021 : Paper on the structure of Na2V2(PO4)3, solved by Sunkyu PARK, published in Chem. Mater.
December 17, 2021 : Cédric BARCHA is now a "Docteur de l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne", Amiens, FRANCE. For his great work on interface stabilities in solid state batteries, in collaboration with RENAULT through a CIFRE funding. Thank you CEDRIC !!
December 14, 2021 : Kickoff of the DESTINY PhD Cofund Marie Curie Project (50 PhDs....) in Amiens as a joint event with the ALISTORE bi-annual Meeting
December 2, 2021 : Na2V2(PO4)3 spotted by Ziliang WANG and P. CANEPA'S team (NUS Singapore) through computational methods, published in J. Mater. Chem. A
June 19, 2021 : One more great paper from Theodosios FAMPRIKIS on Na3PS4, accepted in Chem. Mater.
June 15, 2021 : First paper from Sunkyu PARK on his PhD work, on NaxFeV(PO4)3, accepted in Chem. Mater.
March 29 & 30, 2021: Oral interviews for the Marie Curie PhD CO-FUND project DESTINY. 29 topics on "batteries" in Europe.
November 10, 2020: Theodosios FAMPRIKIS is now a "Docteur de l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne", Amiens, FRANCE. For his great work on solid electrolytes, in particular Na3PS4, in collaboration with Prof. S. ISLAM @ Univ. Bath, through an ALISTORE funding. Thanks you THEO !!
September 24, 2020 : Paper accepted in J. Mater. Chem. A on Na7V3(P2O7)4, with Vadim KOVRUGIN as main author.
September 14, 2020 : Paper accepted in J. Amer. Chem. Soc. on Na3PS4 and pressure effects on solid electrolytes, with Theodiosios FAMPRIKIS as main author.
August 30, 2020 : Paper accepted in J. Power Sources, a review on Na-Batteries, with Montse CASAS-CABANAS as leader of a great team of contributors.
July 13, 2020 : 30 PhD topics received for the first Pre-Call of the MSCA PhD Cofund project DESTINY. An exciting adventure begins.
June 8, 2020 : Paper accepted in J. Power Sources on Na-containing Antiperovskites, with Ernest AHIAVI and Theo FAMPRIKIS as main contributors.
May 29, 2020 : Omer Ulas KUDU is now a "Docteur de L'Université de Picardie Jules Verne", Amiens, FRANCE. For his great work on solid electrolytes within the Li2S-P2S5 system, in collaboration with SOLVAY. Thank you ULAS !!
April 1, 2020 : Official start of our Bilateral ANR-NSG, i.e. France-Singapore, project on Na-containing solid electrolytes, with Pieremanuele CANEPA, Stefan ADAMS and Tony CHEETHAM as collaborators from NUS, Jean-Noël CHOTARD, Vincent SEZNEC and Christine FRAYRET as co-workers from LRCS.
February 3, 2020 : The EU informs me that they accepted our 8 Million Euros Marie Curie COFUND project, DESTINY. 50 PhD projects to be granted to talented students witin the frames of the ALISTORE Network and the BATTERY 2030+ Initiative.
February 6 & 7, 2020 : The National Committee on Materials Science (CNU, Section 33) gathers in Montpellier to examine the files of candidates for "Qualifications" for Assistant-Professor and Full Professor positions in France.
January 8, 2020 : Congrats to Theodosios FAMPRIKIS, recipient of the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Award from ICDD.
December 12, 2019 : Long NGUYEN defended his PhD Thesis in Université de Bordeaux, FRANCE. Wonderful work. He will join Prof. Shirley MENG's group in UCSD, as a PDRA, starting March 2010.
December 10-11, 2019 : The 27th ALISTORE ERI Meeting was held in Barcelona, hosted by M.R. PALACIN. A special tribute to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given by Mike THACKERAY.
November 21, 2019 : Mathieu MORCRETTE, the head of LRCS, receives the "Médaille de Cristal" of the CNRS, a prestigious recognition for his achievements in Amiens
October 30, 2019 : The Crystal structure of a new polymorph of Na3PS4, discovered by Theo FAMPRIKIS, is published in ACS Materials Letters.
October 15-17, 2019 : Around 120 people gather in Amiens for the RS2E Meeting. Lots of excellent science on many fronts of advanced battery and supercapacitor research.
Sept. 26, 2019 : Submission of the DESTINY project under the Marie Curie COFUND Scheme : 40 partners from 12 countries, 50 PhD thesis to be funded.... Results in February 2020 !!
June 19-20, 2019 : 28th Meeting of the ALISTORE-ERI in Vitoria (SPAIN) in the premises of our Partner CIC-Energigune
March 25-27, 2019 : Meeting of the MESC+ Consortium in Toulouse, FRANCE, to select 20 students for EMJMD Scholarships, among many applicants (>250).
March 19-20, 2019 : Bi-annual Meeting of the RS2E Network, Lille, FRANCE.
March 4-8, 2019 : IBA International Meeting in UCSD, La Jolla, USA. Organized by Prof. Shirley MENG
October 17-18, 2018 : RS2E bi-annual Meeting (120 participants) in ICG Montpellier
October 1st, 2018 : Ulas KUDU's review paper on Li2S-P2S5 Solid Electrolytes accepted in J. Power Sources
September 27th, 2018 : Big proposal submitted for the Marie Curie COFUND action; DESTINY gathers 40 european partners for 53 PhD thesis proposed.
July 26th, 2018 : Fan CHEN's first paper accepted in SMALL Methods, on Na4MnV(PO4)3
July 24th, 2018 : Thibaut BROUX's paper accepted in SMALL Methods, on high rate Na3V2(PO4)2F3
June 26th, 2018 : MESC+ is granted as an EMJMD ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course for 5 more years, with partners in Spain, Slovenia, Poland, France, USA and Australia
April 25th, 2018: Attending the 34th PSI Electrochemical Symposium in Villigen, SWITZERLAND. Talk on operando investigations of Li and Na battery materials.
April 24th 2018: Mattéo BIANCHINI's paper accepted in J. Mater Chem. A. on Na+ - Ag+ ion exchange in Na3V2(PO4)2F3
Jan. 19th, 2018: Simon MALIFARGE defends his PhD Thesis in UPJV Amiens
Dec. 12th, 2017: ALISTORE Meeting in Amiens, FRANCE. New Direction elected with P. JOHANSSON, R. DOMINKO and myself as Directors. Thanks A LOT to R. PALACIN and P. SIMON for their leadership during the previous term.
Dec. 11th, 2017: Thibault BROUX's paper accepted in Chem. Mater. on transpot properties of Na3V2(PO4)2F3
Nov. 29th, 2017: Attending the 4th International Na-ion Battery Conference in Tokyo, JAPAN.
Nov. 24th, 2017: Edouard BOIVIN defends hs PhD thesis in UPJV Amiens
Sept. 28th, 2017: Application for a COFUND Programme (Marie Curie Action)
May 30th, 2017: Attending the 8th ICE Conference in Nagoya, JAPAN
February 15th, 2017: New Application of MESC Consortium for ERASMUS + EMJMD.
February 5th, 2017: the LRCS moves to its new building, the HUB of the RS2E French Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage.
February 5th, 2017: Paper #2 of Thibault BROUX, on VIV disproportionation in NVPF upon charge, accepted in ACS J. Phys. Chem. C
February 1st, 2017: Paper #2 of Yue DENG, on mixed anion effect in solid electrolytes, accepted in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
October 24th, 2016 : Paper #2 of Edouard BOIVIN, on LiVPO4(F,O) accepted in J. Phys. Chem. C.
October 6th, 2016 : Paper #1 of Thibault BROUX on Na3V2(PO4)2F3 accepted in Chem. Mater.
October 5th, 2016 : The Nobel Prize for Chesmistry is attributed to Jean-Pierre SAUVAGE from Strasbourg.
June 28-29, 2016 : ERAMUS + Meeting in Brussels on "Mastering Joint Excellence under ERASMUS MUNDUS"
June 14-18, 2016 : IMLB 2016 in Chicago, 1800 attendees......
April 12-15, 2016 : Proposals Subcommittees and Scientific Council at ILL, Grenoble, FRANCE
March. 22, 2016 : Talk at IBA Conference, Nantes, France
Feb. 18, 2016 : Application of M.E.S.C. for ERASMUS + re-accreditation ......
Dec. 5, 2015 : Interview of Mathieu MORCRETTE, Director of LRCS, in "Agir en Picardie".
Nov. 23-25, 2015 :CNRS-sponsored ANF Chimie du Solide, organized in Caen, France.
Nov. 9, 2015 : PhD Defense of Fabien LALERE in UPJV Amiens
Oct. 23, 2015 : PhD Defense of Matteo BIANCHINI in UPJV Amiens
Sept. 15, 2015 : Graduation Ceremony in Amiens of Class#10 of M.E.S.C. Master Course.
Sept. 2, 2015 : invited Talk at European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Zaragoza, Spain
August 7, 2015 : New Crystal Structure of Na3V2(PO4)3 published in Chem. Mater.
July 1, 2015 : Yue DENG's first paper on Li4SiO4-Li3PO4 is published in JACS.
July 1, 2015 : Invited talk at ICMAT Singapore on highly defective LiFePO4 powders.
June 16, 2015 : Fabien LALERE gives a talk in SSI Conference, Keyston, USA
June 4, 2015 : Matteo BIANCHINI is the ECS Battery Student Award winner for 2015
June 1, 2015 : Robin AMISSE's paper on highly defective LiFePO4 accepted in Chemistry of Materials
Nov 24, 2014 : the www site
http://www.docteurs-chimie.fr/ is launched. There is in particular a very convenient Job section.
July 23, 2014 : Visit the www site of Nature related to CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, MILESTONES
July 11, 2014 : HDR Defense of Joël GAUBICHER, IMN Nantes, France
June 15-18 : EPDIC Conference in Aarhus, Denmark.
June 7-12, 2014 : IMLB conference, Como, Italy
May 6, 2014 : Comité de Sélection, Poste 33MCF0269, Amiens
April 16th, 2014 : Conseil Académique à l'UPJV Amiens.
April 2-4, 2014 : Power our Future at CIC Energigune, SPAIN
March 18 & 19, 2014 : ILL Subcommittees for experiments, Grenoble, FRANCE
March 3-7, 2014 : IBA Meeting in Brisbane, Australia
Feb. 24-25, 2014 : Meeting of the French RS2E in Lyon, FRANCE.
Feb. 11-13, 2014 : Meeting of the MESC Consortium in Marseille for the Selection of CLass#11 (2014-2016)
February 7, 2014 : All Solid State Battery Meeting of the RS2E.
February 7, 2014 : Na-ion Group Meeting of the RS2E
January 24, 2014 : Li-Ion Group Meeting of the RS2E in Collège de France, Paris
January 23, 2014 : Prof. J.M. TARASCON gives his Inaugural Lecture at College de France, Paris